
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Seeing double?

Day 17 of my countdown! :)

And I apologize but there follows more dog and rabbit pics.  Although they are related to creativity - look at the beautiful bunny palace my hubby built for bunny no. 1.  It took two weekends, and two of us to lift it into position.  And you can see I've planted a container garden with the help of Little Man.

It's quite lucky we now had a spare hutch, because we have ...

bunny no. 2 ...

It's quite a sweet story really.  I was chatting to a friend at meditation about how lovely rabbits are as pets, and for her it was a bonus that they are also vegetarian - when my other friend said 'oh look, there's a bunny on the steps'.  My first thought as my brain struggled to catch up, was 'how on earth did my rabbit get there?' not even thinking about the fact that she would have had to break out of the hutch, climb into the car unnoticed for the journey down the hill and then have to break out of the car again to wait outside the mediation hut!  Duh .....

We decided to catch the rabbit as I know the dog next door likes to chase and then do unthinkable things to small furry animals ... so now bunny no. 2 is living in the spare hutch as we wait for any previous owners to contact me if they've lost a bunny.  Though it is very clear that some members of the family want to keep said lucky bunny ...

The new hutch is more than big enough to cater for 2 rabbits, but I'm going to have to assess genders first as I'm not sure it can cope with a myriad of rabbits!

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