Well, the pirate hat was finished today, and here's one happy customer, complete with moustache made from scraps of felt cut from the hat. When I suggested shaping it a bit more, the reply was "no, I like it just like this", so I am happy too! As I said it's inspired me to want to do more felting and I've been surfing on the net to find some sites on making felt hats. I even managed to find one with a slide show of how to make a hat on a hat form, and the felter used bubble wrap instead of netting to stop the fibres sticking to her hands during the early stages of the felting process, which is great as I have lots of bubble wrap sitting round, and now I have a use for it! I did find that the felt stuck to my hands when I was making it last night, and could be why it was a bit lumpy in places! Think I will try another hat using a plastic pattern such as this one, and also making a square piece of felt then cutting hat pieces out and sewing it. May as well have fun experimenting to see which is best.
Yesterday, whilst I was busy felting by the sink I heard a comment from my husband along the lines of "you're in your own happy world over there aren't you", and I was! Totally absorbed, almost like meditation! That's what I love about art, it kind of takes you out of this world for a while, into a place that's calm yet exciting. It adds a whole other dimension to life.
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