
Monday, October 24, 2011

Return to the orangey planet of Yarn

I've managed to turn my heel!

Wow, what's going on with the weather?  It's presently raining so hard you can't hear the TV (not that it's a major loss).  And it's always good to have rain, but the weather's just weird ...

Look at the socks!  I am so impressed with myself!  :)  Mostly because I'd convinced myself that I would never be able to knit a pair, but I had a go anyway when the sock yarn was on special.  It's great - it knits into stripes and patterns all by itself!  Magic yarn.  Is there something you think you can't do, but would love to have a go at?  Well, take one step at a time, and you could well surprise yourself - it feels great! 

1 comment:

LiteraryLadybug said...

OOOH! Your socks are looking wonderful! I have yet to make a pair and have them turn out - but I will one of these days. :) Very nice work!