Another sunset picture! This one had the most amazing colours - this photo just doesn't do it justice, the colours were much more vivid when we first noticed but in the few seconds it took me to go inside and get the camera, the colours became more muted. It's still stunning though.
So, what did everyone do for Earth Hour yesterday night? At 8.30 pm our family voted for Earth, and turned off all the lights for one hour. We lit some candles and the children went to bed by torchlight. It was all very exciting. Actually it was a refreshing change to sit without the TV on and enjoy the quiet. I thought we'd talk about deep and meaningful stuff, but we just lay on the sofas and savoured the silence. It was bliss!
Today was the end of daylight saving in WA, so dad, you are now 7 hours behind us! It's strange that this marks the start of autumn, but it's still pretty hot out here, mid-high twenties and the sun feels very strong. We spent today in the garden, pruning back the roses, moving a shed and planting cuttings; another season means more jobs! So no time for anything arty :( I will make up for it in the week! I am having a bit of a revamp of my wardrobe though and am either throwing out or altering clothes so they last for a bit longer. Will even attempt to make a skirt from a pair of jeans and will post the result here if it works, together with the link to the site that tells you how. Last weekend I ordered some fabric from e-bay to make some clothes for my daughter, and somehow managed to order some for myself too ... Looks like the long winter evenings are going to be busy!!
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