
Monday, November 7, 2011

Ups and downs - the weather and me ...

Strolling along the beach at Shanklin (unless you're Little Man of course xx)
Not really sure what to blog about today.  I think we may all have a brief and temporary episode of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  See, it is meant to be almost summer here, but today has been like winter, and although I do love winter and have a few problems with the heat, I do like the weather to behave and the seasons to be seasons - all should be correct and in its proper place.

But that's not the reason for my lack of inspiration.  I'm still beating myself up about this weekend's minor setback in my plans and letting other people's opinions influence me (it makes it harder to carry on regardless when it is people you value too).  Getting myself into a right old muddle!

Dunc asked me what the matter was earlier as I was so quiet and obviously miles away, and I had to admit that I was thinking of a time back in the UK this year when we were all wandering along the beach at Shanklin one evening, and how lovely it was to be in one of our old haunts.  So, I found the pics and have been thinking of the happy times we had on our holiday and it's cheered me up.  I'm grateful for the time we had together and have lots of fond memories to sustain me, lovely, lovely!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Believe in Yourself

Author: Emily Matthews

Believe in yourself -
in the power you have
to control your own life, day by day,
Believe in the strength
that you have deep inside,
and your faith will help
show you the way.
Believe in tomorrow
and what it will bring -
let a hopeful heart carry you through,
For the things will work out
if you trust and believe
there's no limit
to what you can do.

C x