
Sunday, January 6, 2013


At the start of a new year it's natural to think of new beginnings, but today I've been thinking about the harvest, coming to fruition as I dug up my baby potatoes.  Little Man washed them excitedly and we had them for our tea and they were indeed very yummy.  (Homegrown always does taste better).

But, I planted 4 seed potaoes and yielded about 12 new ones - 3 potatoes per seed.  I could have improved my harvest considerably if I'd tended to them more carefully and watered them more - and it's the same with your dreams and your creativity - keep tending them with inspiration and practise and you'll yield more.  A little is good, but put in more care and effort and love and the yield will be magnificent - that's going to be my mantra for 2013!  :)

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