
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jet Lagged

This picture sums up how we all feel after our return from the UK on Friday.  Dear Little Man had actually got up but obviously got tired on the walk around the bed and needed another rest ... hopefully we'll all be feeling more human by the end of the week.  I'm desperate to do some crafty stuff but think I'll leave it until my head feels less like cotton wool - I had to frog a beret I was making last night as I'd miscounted stitches and made it too small - aargh - don't want that sort of thing happening again!  So I'll wait a while.

The journey home was all ok until we reached Perth, when I was asked by customs if they could inspect my bag, as the dog had sniffed it out and I had traces of cocaine, explosives and cannibis in it.  Duncan stood there quite calmly and said 'go for your life' as he knew there was nothing to find, whilst I stood there on the verge of tears panicking that I'd be taken away and searched more thoroughly.  I think the main culprit was a pair of kids' sandals that we'd bought in the UK with fabric straps, which I suspect were made of hemp ... the rest however is a mystery.  The nice gentleman (he really was very polite) said we'd probably just brushed up against other people with the offending items - makes you wonder who you're travelling with hey?  I can laugh about it now ...

No more travelling for a bit.

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