
Monday, March 21, 2011

Revelations in a circle of women - and my wish for you ...

It's been a busy, busy, past few days!  I've completed my second reiki course this weekend - two days spent in the company of amazing, compassionate women.  Bliss.  I realized I've overcome a major hurdle too - when I was at school I had a terrible time, bullied everyday by people who couldn't and didn't want to understand why I was so quiet and shy.  It was a girls' school, so I've spent most of my adult life being very wary of being involved in a group of women.  This weekend I came to see that I was enjoying my time being with a group of women, accepted for who I am and celebrated for my uniqueness.  It meant so much and ended many years' anxiety of being disconnected from other women.  Huge.

Here's a little snippet from one of the creations for my ebook - just a peek - but it seems so relevant for a blog dedicated to creativity of all kinds, and it's a wish I have for everyone who visits here (and indeed the whole planet - let's dream big!)

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